The Medicinal Properties of Action

We all have big dreams even If they’re buried deep. I know I have and have had many starting in childhood. Many of us fear failure, so we do hours and hours and hours of research before taking the first step. I find myself doing this all of the time, but looking around the ones achieving things in life just take action. They don’t worry about the failure because as long as they keep moving, it won’t matter. This is a theme at least for myself this year. Its easy to get lost in your own head but you must do instead of think to get anywhere. Take action in some small way towards your dream today. Learn from the day and apply it tomorrow. Repeat this everyday with the ultimate goal in mind and you will get to it before you know it. 

It may sound simple and too easy but I promise you it is not. Life will get in the way and try to drag you away at every step. You have to keep your mind focused in the right place. Take action towards the dream without letting life throw you off. The mountain top is yours for the taking, put your head down and trudge forward. 

The path is difficult but I believe in you. 

What’s the smallest step forward today?

What can you do in the next five minutes to get a millimeter closer to your dream?