Recently I haven’t published anything, and it’s for the most ridiculous reason. Im letting the idea of perfection stop me from perfecting. Im in a sense vowing not to release something because of my own embarrassment. Just a note to all, this is not going to be perfect, I am now okay with that fact. Perfection simply doesn’t exist, and even if it did it doesn’t seem genuine. See in my opinion personality is found in the flaws. So instead of rewriting this a thousand times and looking back on it for days, Im just going to send it out. I personally welcome you to the most imperfect site. This ladies and gentlemen is my personality.
Perfection stops many of us from chasing what we really want in this life. We let self doubt creep in and tell us that we cant create whatever it is that we have in mind. What if we just stopped for a second and created the shittiest version of it, just to get it out. We would’ve done it. Now… is it perfect? Absolutely not. But now that its out there you can fix and tweak it until it matches the visions in your head. Most dreams are killed off before that first step is ever done. Its not because its a bad idea or the creator doesn’t have the capacity. The real reason is we know that we cant create the perfect version of it just yet, so we don’t try. Im here to prove not only myself but everyone who shares this thought wrong. This blog is a total mess right now, its practically empty with very few viewers. But I put it out there, and this is where I get to work tweaking and learning. This my friends is the fun part. Check back in a few years this is going to be something new altogether.
I hope you can take that first step to put out something truly terrible. Because then you would’ve started your path to the life of your dreams.
I love you,