Deficiency Training

“most often we avoid the things were bad at”


What a funny human trait to hate things that we aren’t naturally good at. We rationalize and say we just “aren’t that type of person” or “it just wasn’t in the cards”. Deep down we know these are excuses but it helps us avoid embarrassment. This mindset keeps us in a box and instead of growing we stagnate. The growth mindset, a view that what we were born with doesn’t determine our worth, is one of hopefulness. We can confidently go towards things were bad at instead of shying away away. If you spend enough time on it, you can be better than you imagine. Humans have this wonderful ability to grow and improve at whatever we focus our energy on. With this mindset we can set out to discover things that we may have written off in the past. In these uncomfortable experiences we may even find wells of joy and fulfillment. Ive started to apply this to my own life, begrudgingly I attended some dance lessons. Might I say I quite enjoy them, I still “cant dance” but that doesn’t mean I wont. Despite the embarrassment and lack of rythym I have an absolute blast.

All of this is to say, whatever you set your mind to you truly can achieve. It may sound cheesy but theres a reason the cliche has stuck around this long.