Hello all and welcome to a very fresh site. I created this website as a headquarters for all the ventures I’m pursuing. As I learn and progress I figured I would write and share the things I figure out along the way. I want this to be a source of knowledge for those who are seeking the same things I am. Now Im not going to claim I’m an expert in any of the things I’m writing about (for now). Like with any information I want you to take what you like and leave what you don’t. I don’t have a central topic that I will be discussing, It’ll sort of just be things that I’m working on. I do have intentions of bringing audio and visual into the mix at some point in the near future. For now it’ll be strictly writing pieces. Thats all for now, thank you so much for taking the time to read what I have to say. Bye for now.
Quinton Benzschawel
I would love feedback, if you have any questions or reccomendations feel free to reach out to me quintonbenzschawel@gmail.com!